Wednesday, March 31, 2010

30 things to do before 30

I am just 25! But its never early to have things to strike off the list ..Not necessarily in the given order

* Travel to various parts of India (with family)

* Explore Amazon Rain Forest

* Run a half marathon & marathon

* Learn how to swim/surf

* Make someone smile :)

* Have a successful photoblog
PinkAngel Photography

* Learn one foreign language

* Drive(Own) a Lexus/ 370Z / Infiniti /Convertible?

* Live in the City ! (SF)

* Develop a Mobile Application

* Get one certification
I am a certified ScrumMaster

* Take up Tennis/Kickboxing.

* Come up with atleast one innovative lucrative idea and implement it

* Find someone special (soulmate ? :)) - Hari

* Be more spiritual

* Europe Backpacking

* Buy real estate

* Make Lemon Meringue

* Write a poem

* Make an ambigram

* Volunteer/Donate to a charity
American Cancer Society - Daffodil Days

* Take up biking

* Do bungee jumping/zip lining

* Go to Hawaii/ Maldives

* Be Green

* Take up Belly Dancing/HipHop lessons

* Do one selfless good deed a week

* Inspire someone

* Do a walkabout

* Cook a 5 course meal for 2 !


Anurag Chugh said...


Samantha said...

thts cool...u can do the last one when I am around !! ;)

Unknown said...

Cool List....